I used to think those biorhythm charts were bunk but I think about that when I have a great Monday and a terrible Wednesday. You remember biorhythms, right? Basically, you put in your birthday and then find today’s date. It shows a scale of Physical, Emotional and Intellectual well-being. I don’t know, maybe they are bunk. I was at home Saturday and just got ensconced with my dinner. The phone rings. I have to break out of my little mold to answer the phone. It was my sister “Hey, where are you?” “Home”, I say. “What are you doing?” she asks. “Eating dinner,” I reply. “Oh”, she starts “when you’re done with dinner, how’d you like to have a drink with your nieces and nephews – and your sister?” We had a really nice time sitting around drinking and laughing. It’s kind of strange that my nieces and nephews are old enough to drink. I barely feel like I’m old enough to drink. My sister tells me, at some point, that a few people from the family are going to breakfast next morning. I love me ...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey