Recently, Superman and I got together and the subject of kids came up. He asked a pretty straightforward question about me wanting kids and I gave a very evasive answer. My standard answer, when asked, is: “If I have kids, I have kids. If I don’t, I don’t”. At this point in my life (unmarried, single, early 40’s) I think it’s kind of a strange question. You might as well ask me if I want to be The President Of The United States. Right now, I’m not headed down a path that would make either of these two situations possible. I think the essence of the question is whether or not I’d be able to handle the situation. As for the President, no, I have no aspirations in this area. As for children, let me see if I can answer this one in a round-about way. Let’s start this with an overview of the children in my life and my dealings with them so far. Obviously, I have no children of my own. My older brother, Dan: While he’s the oldest sibling in the family, his children are the youngest (he was a ...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey