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Showing posts from April, 2008


Recently, Superman and I got together and the subject of kids came up. He asked a pretty straightforward question about me wanting kids and I gave a very evasive answer. My standard answer, when asked, is: “If I have kids, I have kids. If I don’t, I don’t”. At this point in my life (unmarried, single, early 40’s) I think it’s kind of a strange question. You might as well ask me if I want to be The President Of The United States. Right now, I’m not headed down a path that would make either of these two situations possible. I think the essence of the question is whether or not I’d be able to handle the situation. As for the President, no, I have no aspirations in this area. As for children, let me see if I can answer this one in a round-about way. Let’s start this with an overview of the children in my life and my dealings with them so far. Obviously, I have no children of my own. My older brother, Dan: While he’s the oldest sibling in the family, his children are the youngest (he was a ...

Top 5 Numbers from 1 to 10

5. The Number 5 4. The Number 1 3. The Number 4 2. The Number 7 1. The Number 3

Words Under Glass

Life continues unabated. There’s nothing I can do to stop it. It’s like being on a roller coaster: you’re strapped in and the wheels are in motion but there’s nothing you can do but hold on and enjoy the ride. Planes are flying overhead. Why is it that they only seem to fly on days when the weather is beautiful? Don’t they fly in the rain? I did my taxes tonight. Yes, I realize it is literally the last minute. I’m not sure why I took so long to do them. I guess the whole “being out of work” thing threw me for a loop. I wonder how long I’m going to be able to procrastinate with that excuse? Not much longer. Yesterday I started mowing my lawn and it started to rain. Then it stopped. I continued. Then it started again – very lightly. I wanted to get the front yard completely done so I didn’t look like a psycho who only cuts half of his yard. It was raining light enough so I finished the front yard and then put the mower away. Tonight I got home from work and finished the back yard. Weathe...

Day of Wine and Chocolate

Went out with some friends on Saturday and had a very good time. So good a time I had to recuperate on Sunday. Here’s how the day went: 5:00pm – Chocolate Place. We were supposed to meet at 5:00 at this place where you can get chocolate fondue. So I arrive promptly at 5:00 to find the place empty (of people I know). Allow me to sound like an old man for a moment, but in my day we just didn’t show up late. I think there’s a rudeness involved in it – unless there’s an emergency in which case you call. It’s about 10 or 15 minutes after the hour now and people start showing up and we decide to go in. Not everyone is there but we’re starting to congregate. People start to drift in with the last couple appearing a little after 5:30. So now we’re all in attendance and we get the attention of the shop-workers so that we can begin this thing. Let’s just say they’re moving about as fast as molasses in winter. Once we get their attention, it’s about 10 minutes before they ‘take our order’ (we ge...