The sound of a plane flying overhead woke me up. I stumbled to my feet and checked the clock – 9:23. I put a pot of water on the stove to make my tea and walked out the front door to get the mail. Looks like it rained last night. The air was humid and stuck to me like a spider web. A couple pieces of junk mail and a plain white envelope were all I found. I threw the junk mail in the can to be shredded. I opened the plain white envelope and read the simple message inside: “When you’re needed, you’ll see the red sign” I looked for a return address – there was none. I tried to read the postmark but the humidity and rain must have gotten to it and was unreadable. I read it again: “When you’re needed, you’ll see the red sign” The pot of water began to whistle so I made my tea and got on with the rest of my Saturday. I ran some errands, did some shopping and walked around the mall. In the back of my mind I kept looking for this red sign but never saw it. I went out with some friends that nig...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey