In my quest to organize my life, I’m going through some old accounts and closing them down. As I traveled through life I made a spreadsheet of all the accounts I had signed up for: site name, account name and password. I may have missed one or two but it’s a pretty complete list. Don’t worry, the accounts I’m shutting down are not ones I use frequently. In fact, in shutting some of them down I found out the site had closed my account due to inactivity. I also found out that some of the sites no longer exist or had been transferred (bought out?) by another site. Okay, so the process is simple, right? I log in with my username and password and then close my account, cool? If that were only true. About half of the time I ended up using the “forgot my account” link because it said I was using the wrong password. In my compendium of passwords I have the password as “assmunch” for the site. I hit the link and it sends the account name and password to my e-mail account (a real security breach...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey