You remember back in your school days when it came to picking teams? Two players were chosen as captains and the rest of the rabble would picked to be on one of the two teams. Invariable, the kid with no apparent sports talent would be picked last. This ended up being either the fat kid or the geeky kid who knew the formula for pi. In some cases it would turn out that there was an odd number of players and – true to form – one of the team captains would shout “all time quarterback!” wherein everyone else would groan. On certain occasions, when there was a real grudge match and nobody wanted to play both sides, that last kid would be asked to step aside and let the others play. Let’s just say that kid was none too happy about sitting on the sidelines. It’s like that in our adult life, too. As men, we stand at the bar and wait for single young women to pick us to be on their team. We do a lot more bargaining to be on their team than we did when we were kids, but the sentiment is still th...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey