A little over a month ago, let’s call it end of December, a woman at my work and I were talking about ‘stuff’. We happened upon the topic of vitamins and she admitted that she took a B-complex vitamin that also had ‘C’. She also mentioned that since she’d been taking this combination, no day of sickness had come to her. “Wow”, I thought to myself “no sick days sound good to me”. So the next time I went grocery shopping I picked up the very same formulary. There were 100 pills. “This will last me a little over 3 months”, I thought to myself. I do a lot of thinking to myself. Not a week later and I was sick. Nothing major, just your run-of-the-mill cold. I didn’t miss any work and medicine help me run its course. Fine. I’m usually sick twice year – this is just “one of those times”. No. Not a week later, I’m sick again. Keep in mind I’m still taking these damn B-complex vitamins that smell like compressed grass. This time, it’s a whopper – I miss two days of work. One thing you have to k...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey