For some reason, the other day I got to thinking about my sexual conquests. There seemed to be a common thread through most of them and that was this: I was the best sex they ever had. Here I'll try to explain: MM - While she never came out and said 'best' she did say that we had 'really good' sex. She was the kind of lover who seemed to be hard to please. In the end, all she really wanted from me was the sex. It was tough when it ended because we still worked together. She eventually started dating another guy -- a TOTAL douchebag -- and didn't care that she flaunted this in front of me. I'm not the only one who thought this guy was a jerk but I'm not sure if people were saying that just to appease me. DubDub - As mentioned before, I could write a whole book on this woman. She is definitely the best sex I've had and mentioned (early on in our relationship) that I was her best. If it wasn't for the whole 'standing me up' situation -- whic...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey