Usually on the weekends I watch those “how to” and “renovation” shows. The shows are only 30 minutes, which means they need to pack a lot of construction into a short amount of time. What they end up doing is a lot of “recapping”.
I have been watching the show from the beginning – I KNOW what the Bohanan’s are doing to the deck in their back yard. I don’t need you to bring me up to speed coming out of every commercial break. That 30-minute show is now down to 6 minutes of original content.
A little over a month ago I was out of town on business, supporting a training session that was going on for a week. The first part of August I’m doing another – but there’s a catch. It’s going to be the same class (different students) with the same Facilitators but we won’t have our trusty Training Coordinator with us… she’s leaving the company for a new job a few days before the whole thing starts. That means I’ll be doing her job as well. I complained bitterly about the job she WAS doing but at least she was doing it. All she wanted to do while she was there was sleep and go shopping. How dare we make her work?!? But having her there allowed me to do the exercise program and take a few laps in the pool. I think all that is going out the window. We’ll see what happens.
I had an interesting morning earlier today. I woke up around 4:30am (I don’t know why) and watched some news. I had no breakfast food so I thought I’d treat myself out. I went to this Irish place… Mc-Something-or-other’s and ate some food. It was still too early to go to work so I headed back to my place. So I’m driving down this fairly main thoroughfare toward my house when I see a line of ducks making their way across the road.
Of course, I slow down to let them pass and most of the pack scurries to the other side of the road (there’s a joke in there somewhere) except one rouge bird. I’m honking my horn and encroaching on him without actually getting close enough to hurt him. I’m just trying to get around him and he’s playing chicken in the middle of the road (now I’m REALLY sure there’s a joke to be told). Finally, I blow my horn again and he scoots over enough so that I can get around him. Wait, the story continues. I turn on my street and there’s a dog in the middle of the road like it’s nothing. I’m a hundred yards away and he’s lying there like Queen of the May. I speed up a little and I’m closer now. He stands but is still in the middle of the road. He BARELY moves to one side, enough for me to pass, and as I look in my rear-view mirror I can see him take his place back in the middle of the road. He just stands there. As I continue to watch I see him ‘sort of’ run toward me like he’s saying, “hey, I know that guy” – but just for a second – and then he decides to stay where he was. As I turned into my driveway I looked back again and saw him lounging on the warm asphalt dead center of the street. Finally, when I look up toward the gate to my back yard I see a little brown bunny dart off toward the neighbor’s house. So many Disney animals, so little time.
I know you’re tired of hearing these stories but here’s another one to add to the collection: DubDub and I have kept in contact over the years.
Not so much ‘seeing’ one another but e-mailing, texting and sometimes talking on the phone. So the other night I’m flipping through the Internet when she calls me out of the blue “Hey, you want to go see a movie”. I’m shocked. She’s never done this before – even when we were dating. I agree and she heads over to my place. We go see “The Hangover” (which is funny but won’t win any Academy Awards) and make snarky comments about the previews. Movie ends, we drive back to my place and I walk to my front door… with her in tow. “You coming in?” I ask, knowing that she IS coming in. Fornication occurs and she’s happy. (I don’t want to sound like Andy Sipowicz here, but I didn’t throw my best hump at her). Okay, it’s a ‘school’ night and we BOTH have to work the next day. At 12:45 she is still in my bed fast asleep. I rouse her a couple of times and make a joke but I just want to go to sleep and I can’t seem to sleep while she’s still in my house. I end up reading some e-mail and checking IMDB for goofs and trivia about the movie we just saw (the guy in the elevator… that’s the director). It was between 1:00 and 1:30 when she got up, got dressed and left. In a word, it was weird.
Is it just me or are there more gnats in the air than usual? I see them flying near my face and all I can do is swat at them like a crazy person.
I consumed entirely too much caffeine today. I’ll probably be up until this time tomorrow. I had two cokes with breakfast, two ice teas when I got to work and two more ice teas with lunch. My body is humming like a tuning fork.
I have to do a computer inventory at work. I was given a list that was compiled in 2007 and am finding quite a few items missing – but I don’t know where they went. The serial numbers on some of these items are so small I’ve had to bring a magnifying glass in just to read them. I don’t care if you have 20/20 vision, those letters are just TINY! According to the list I have, both the President and CEO have 6 laptops each. Who needs 6 laptop computers?
My office is kind of a dry place so I tend to get a lot of hangnails. I kept picking at them thinking “I should bring in some clippers so I can take care of these”. For a week or two I kept forgetting to bring them. This past week I brought in a small pair of nail clippers and haven’t needed them since. I guess it’s been more humid, I don’t know – but I’ve got them if I need them!
So, to recap… wait, I don’t want to do that. Never mind.

A little over a month ago I was out of town on business, supporting a training session that was going on for a week. The first part of August I’m doing another – but there’s a catch. It’s going to be the same class (different students) with the same Facilitators but we won’t have our trusty Training Coordinator with us… she’s leaving the company for a new job a few days before the whole thing starts. That means I’ll be doing her job as well. I complained bitterly about the job she WAS doing but at least she was doing it. All she wanted to do while she was there was sleep and go shopping. How dare we make her work?!? But having her there allowed me to do the exercise program and take a few laps in the pool. I think all that is going out the window. We’ll see what happens.
I had an interesting morning earlier today. I woke up around 4:30am (I don’t know why) and watched some news. I had no breakfast food so I thought I’d treat myself out. I went to this Irish place… Mc-Something-or-other’s and ate some food. It was still too early to go to work so I headed back to my place. So I’m driving down this fairly main thoroughfare toward my house when I see a line of ducks making their way across the road.

I know you’re tired of hearing these stories but here’s another one to add to the collection: DubDub and I have kept in contact over the years.

Is it just me or are there more gnats in the air than usual? I see them flying near my face and all I can do is swat at them like a crazy person.

I have to do a computer inventory at work. I was given a list that was compiled in 2007 and am finding quite a few items missing – but I don’t know where they went. The serial numbers on some of these items are so small I’ve had to bring a magnifying glass in just to read them. I don’t care if you have 20/20 vision, those letters are just TINY! According to the list I have, both the President and CEO have 6 laptops each. Who needs 6 laptop computers?
My office is kind of a dry place so I tend to get a lot of hangnails. I kept picking at them thinking “I should bring in some clippers so I can take care of these”. For a week or two I kept forgetting to bring them. This past week I brought in a small pair of nail clippers and haven’t needed them since. I guess it’s been more humid, I don’t know – but I’ve got them if I need them!
So, to recap… wait, I don’t want to do that. Never mind.