I knew her before. I met her. We dated. We kissed. I knew her before… she was mine – once. Superman and I had lunch last week and he asked me about an old flame. To be honest, I hadn’t thought about Renee in a while. Maybe in passing once in a blue moon. Nothing serious, then… nothing. When he mentioned her I told him she was probably the one – the one that somehow got away. She was perfect for me and I felt perfect for her. She had a daughter who liked me as well. I remember the good times we shared… shopping, dining, going to the movies or staying in for the night. I remember when she called to break things off, I was numb after that. I lost my job a few days later. I don’t want to remember the bad; I don’t want to think about what I lost, I just want to remember the good. After thinking about it for a minute, I wondered if she was on Facebook. I tried to find her using her first and last name – nothing. I tried looking for her by her first name – this time, too many...
If your life is worth living, it's worth recording. -- Marilyn Grey