I recently ‘outed’ myself as being a closet musician. I have actually been a musician for a number of years but never really felt comfortable telling people because I’m not a performer. I actually just build original songs by playing them the best I can on a keyboard.
I didn’t get the reaction I was looking for. Most people were just surprised to hear that I could play. Other’s had neutral responses like “wow, that’s cool”. No one in my family responded. The people I had hoped would respond – the people I felt knew a little something about music – didn’t respond.
I’m not sure at this point who has listened to my stuff. The service I’m using tells me how many people listened to what song, but not unique listens. What I mean is that a song could have 10 listens… but is that all by 1 person, or did 10 people listen to it once? Did 5 people listen to it twice? I’ll never know.
I also found it odd the songs that people listened to. The song I WANTED people to hear was not the one that people listened to most. It’s a very odd situation that I wish I could wrap my brain around. But I got myself into this position so I have no one else to blame but me. I offhandedly mentioned that I’d be revealing a secret and then couldn’t figure out what that secret was going to be. I then spent the whole weekend picking out songs and uploading them to a site that could stream them.
Like I said, I think most people were pleased but I didn’t get the response that I was looking for. I wanted people to be amazed, I wanted them to see me in a new light. There were a few waves at the beginning, a few ripples for a couple of days after that, and then the pond went flat again.
In many ways I hadn’t done this because I’m not overly proud of a lot of the stuff I’ve done. I make music because it makes me feel good doing it and I’m usually satisfied with the result but in terms of releasing this stuff to the public, I’d rather have someone else re-record what I’ve done.
Do you keep what you’ve done and consider it a masterpiece? … Or do you release it to the world and find out that it’s only mediocre? That’s the dilemma.
I didn’t get the reaction I was looking for. Most people were just surprised to hear that I could play. Other’s had neutral responses like “wow, that’s cool”. No one in my family responded. The people I had hoped would respond – the people I felt knew a little something about music – didn’t respond.

I also found it odd the songs that people listened to. The song I WANTED people to hear was not the one that people listened to most. It’s a very odd situation that I wish I could wrap my brain around. But I got myself into this position so I have no one else to blame but me. I offhandedly mentioned that I’d be revealing a secret and then couldn’t figure out what that secret was going to be. I then spent the whole weekend picking out songs and uploading them to a site that could stream them.
Like I said, I think most people were pleased but I didn’t get the response that I was looking for. I wanted people to be amazed, I wanted them to see me in a new light. There were a few waves at the beginning, a few ripples for a couple of days after that, and then the pond went flat again.
In many ways I hadn’t done this because I’m not overly proud of a lot of the stuff I’ve done. I make music because it makes me feel good doing it and I’m usually satisfied with the result but in terms of releasing this stuff to the public, I’d rather have someone else re-record what I’ve done.
Do you keep what you’ve done and consider it a masterpiece? … Or do you release it to the world and find out that it’s only mediocre? That’s the dilemma.