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Showing posts from August, 2007


I have finally reconciled with “The Gods” of music. I broke down and signed up for iTunes and will begin paying for the music I download. Actually, it paid off instantly. I had been looking for a song for quite some time through, uh.. ‘other’ channels and had not found it. I figured “what could it hurt – I’ll look and see if it’s on iTunes”. It was there. I was amazed. More than that I was sold. So I started thumbing through my wish list of songs I was looking for. I found all but one. With that one, though, I don’t know the title of it. I have resisted doing this for so long because I felt like the music industry owed me for 2 reasons: a) I have over-paid for music for years now, and b) for putting out such crappy music for a long time and expecting us to continue buying it. And then the music industry cried foul and thought the Internet was to blame for lower music sales. No, you idiots – it was because people were going back and downloading all the GOOD music you’ve been overchargin...

Save Me

It hit me at some point while I was looking through my music collection that several artists had the same song title – “Save Me”. I explore each one here: Jem – I don’t know a lot about this artist but I heard this version on “Grey’s Anatomy”. The music they select for the show hits the mark about 90% of the time (in my estimation) and this song was one of those times. I don’t remember the scene that was going on while the music was playing but I remember trying to look for it afterwards. Luckily, this is one of those shows that is not shy about advertising what music is playing during the episodes – in fact they list the songs on their website. I like the bouncy, reggae feel it has. It has overtones of seriousness and playfulness all at the same time. Seriously! p.s. – did not know what Jem looked like until I went searching for the picture. Wow! Doubly impressed. Dave Matthews – For some reason, Dave Matthews put out a solo album called “Some Devil” a few years back. To my ear, it ...

Pedophile's Dream

First, let me catch you up on happenings. I finally got my new air conditioning installed and up and running (well, I didn’t, but you know what I mean…) I came home on a Friday to find my house on the cold side. “Okay” I thought to myself “maybe I’m just not used to it and the temperature will even out”. A 3am, when I couldn’t turn off the air at the thermostat, I had to kill the new system at the electric panel. It was SO cold. The thermostat said it was 60 degrees on it’s way to 67. HA! If it was anything it was 40 degrees in my house. I could almost see my breath. So I called the company that installed it and they sent a technician. He was at my house for 3 hours. The thermostat that was installed was so new he didn’t know how to work it correctly. He ended up installing one that he knew would work – and it did before he left. He said that someone would be out on Monday to fix the real one. So, thankfully, they were out on Monday and the problem has been resolved. My house is now a ...


You know, I feel sorry for Beth. She’s dating (or married to) a HUGE ass. For purposes of this story, I’m going to assume she’s dating “JJ”. I’m sitting in this restaurant, staring out the window, minding my own business when I see this couple drive up and get out of their car. The guy looks like your typical ‘yay-hoo’ (as my dad used to say). He’s wearing the oversized, baggy shorts with the white sneakers and the a-frame t-shirt (known as a “wife-beater”). He’s got the trucker hat that is slightly askew on his head. Beth is very pretty (you’ll understand how I know both their names shortly). She’s wearing a very nice short skirt and chic top. She’s young and, if I had to guess, would say she works at a clothing store at the local mall. She has long, dark, perfectly manicured hair. When she gets out of the car, she is talking on the cell phone. When JJ gets out of the car, it’s like he’s a clown at the circus. He dances around wildly and is flailing his arms like he’s on fire. Beth is...