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Pedophile's Dream

First, let me catch you up on happenings. I finally got my new air conditioning installed and up and running (well, I didn’t, but you know what I mean…)

I came home on a Friday to find my house on the cold side. “Okay” I thought to myself “maybe I’m just not used to it and the temperature will even out”. A 3am, when I couldn’t turn off the air at the thermostat, I had to kill the new system at the electric panel. It was SO cold. The thermostat said it was 60 degrees on it’s way to 67. HA! If it was anything it was 40 degrees in my house. I could almost see my breath.

So I called the company that installed it and they sent a technician. He was at my house for 3 hours. The thermostat that was installed was so new he didn’t know how to work it correctly. He ended up installing one that he knew would work – and it did before he left. He said that someone would be out on Monday to fix the real one.

So, thankfully, they were out on Monday and the problem has been resolved. My house is now a comfortable 74 degrees with 50 percent humidity. Works for me. Certainly better than 96 degrees with 102 percent humidity.

That’s right – I said 102 percent. The water droplets had water droplets.

So I get home from work and there’s a car parked out front. It’s not a car I recognize nor does it appear to be one of the neighbor’s. At this point I’ll tell you I don’t have a problem with cars being parked out front as long as they don’t block my driveway.

There’s somebody sitting in the front seat so I get a quick look at him in case the Police ask, “What did he look like?”

As I’m getting settled in the house over the next half hour to 45 minutes I notice several more cars parking out front. As you recall there’s a school in the lot across from my house.

What appears to be happening is that a girl’s volleyball team has come for practice. Like I said, a pedophile’s dream. These girls are 14 to 15 years old, wearing shorts and tank tops, jumping up and down.

I don’t know why, but I always have this fear that someone is going to find out that I’m a single, unattached man living in a school zone. “Is this man a pervert or something?” I don’t have a good explanation – especially if they find the porn on my computer (no kiddee porn, I swear).

I also worry about having some medical ‘issue’ while I’m here by myself. If something happened on a Friday, it would probably be Tuesday before anyone became suspicious. I’d probably be dead by then.

Whenever you see the ‘neighbor’ being interviewed on TV about the serial killer living right next door, they basically describe me: “Oh, yea… he was real quiet, kept to himself, didn’t have many visitors and kept strange hours”.

See? These are things I think about.