Had another date this evening. At this point, I’d almost wish they’d just ‘spring’ them on me. I found out about this one almost a week ago and the build-up is excruciating. It’s tough having to think about a date for a week.
One of the things that The Service does is call you up just to remind you that you have a date. They called my cell phone:
“Hi, this is The Service calling. Just wanted to remind you that you have a date tomorrow”
“Yea, that’s ri—wait, tomorrow?”
“Let me put you on hold so I can check. (Pause) Yes, I checked your folder, I checked her folder and I checked our schedule. They all say tomorrow”.
“Hmm, that’s funny because I had it on my calendar for tonight”.
“Well… is tomorrow okay with you?”
“Yea, I guess…”
“Okay, tomorrow it is!”
Ten minutes later.
“We just got in touch with your date and she was under the impression it was tonight as well. So, is tonight okay?”
I think The Service is a good and decent company but their scheduling is a little ‘iffy’. Anyhow, tonight is the night.
We are to meet at this deceptively upscale place downtown. The kind of place where you’d pay $8 for a glass of root beer. I, of course, am first to arrive. The gentleman shows me to a table – upstairs. Immediately I feel bad for the wait staff that is going to have to travel up and down these stairs to wait on us.
I order a glass of wine and wait. Just as the wine arrives, so does she. Wow, talk about just what the doctor ordered. She’s cute, thin and blond hair that just rests on her shoulders (sort of like Helen Slater, pictured left). She’s wearing one of those tops that make women look like they’re pregnant… one of those ‘high bodice’ deals.
She is easy-going and pleasant to talk to but there’s just a hint of standoffishness. I try to lean forward to engage her but she just keeps her arms crossed in her lap, like an “X”. (This is not a good sign).
We talk. She orders a salad. We talk some more, tell our life stories and make general small talk. Just as it gets going good the waiter comes just to check on us and she says “So, you want your check now?” (This is also not a good sign).
Apparently she had some errands to run and also scheduled them for tonight. If I may be so bold as to say: that is rude. If you don’t want to sit across from me and have a nice conversation, just say that. Don’t PLAN to do something when you have a date scheduled. It didn’t really hit me until I reached my car.
As we left she took my number but I doubt she’ll call. I don’t blame her either, there were a couple of lulls in the conversation – ones that I kept joking about as they were happening. In hindsight, she probably had something better to do than sit across the table from me having pleasant conversation.
And I even wore my lucky underwear.
One of the things that The Service does is call you up just to remind you that you have a date. They called my cell phone:
“Hi, this is The Service calling. Just wanted to remind you that you have a date tomorrow”
“Yea, that’s ri—wait, tomorrow?”
“Let me put you on hold so I can check. (Pause) Yes, I checked your folder, I checked her folder and I checked our schedule. They all say tomorrow”.
“Hmm, that’s funny because I had it on my calendar for tonight”.
“Well… is tomorrow okay with you?”
“Yea, I guess…”
“Okay, tomorrow it is!”
Ten minutes later.
“We just got in touch with your date and she was under the impression it was tonight as well. So, is tonight okay?”
I think The Service is a good and decent company but their scheduling is a little ‘iffy’. Anyhow, tonight is the night.
We are to meet at this deceptively upscale place downtown. The kind of place where you’d pay $8 for a glass of root beer. I, of course, am first to arrive. The gentleman shows me to a table – upstairs. Immediately I feel bad for the wait staff that is going to have to travel up and down these stairs to wait on us.

She is easy-going and pleasant to talk to but there’s just a hint of standoffishness. I try to lean forward to engage her but she just keeps her arms crossed in her lap, like an “X”. (This is not a good sign).
We talk. She orders a salad. We talk some more, tell our life stories and make general small talk. Just as it gets going good the waiter comes just to check on us and she says “So, you want your check now?” (This is also not a good sign).
Apparently she had some errands to run and also scheduled them for tonight. If I may be so bold as to say: that is rude. If you don’t want to sit across from me and have a nice conversation, just say that. Don’t PLAN to do something when you have a date scheduled. It didn’t really hit me until I reached my car.
As we left she took my number but I doubt she’ll call. I don’t blame her either, there were a couple of lulls in the conversation – ones that I kept joking about as they were happening. In hindsight, she probably had something better to do than sit across the table from me having pleasant conversation.
And I even wore my lucky underwear.